
Show your support by knitting or crocheting a few yellow ribbons or creating one for each hostage. These ribbons can be prominently displayed in a public space or used to create a larger art installation in collaboration with fellow knitters and crocheters.

Download the patterns to begin. Then, display the ribbons on chain-link fences, trees, or walls using zip ties, staples, or yarn ties.

These knit and crochet beginner-friendly patterns work with a range of yellow acrylic yarns.
Crocheting a ribbon
Completed ribbons
Knitting a ribbon
The project information sheet provides yarn suggestions.
Table with a knitting machine and completed ribbons
Completed ribbons
Crocheted ribbon
And the pattern sheets provide knitting needle and crochet hook sizes, finished ribbon measurements, and finishing details.
A pile of completed ribbons
Completed ribbons
Completed ribbons that have been laid out

Tag your projects with @StitchThemHome and #StitchThemHome.

We are currently seeking additional locations to host these public art installations. If you're interested in bringing a #StitchThemHome installation to your community, please get in touch with us at